40-Forwarders Doing Life Together

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What does the B.L.E.S.S. Plan - Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway. look like in the lives of 40-Forwarders? Learn about BLESSings we have received and how we can be a BLESSing to others.


Get financial tidbits that as 40-Forwarders we can use to be good money managers. Develop the right attitude towards our finances so we can provide for our necessities +plus and leave an inheritance.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is even more critical as we get older. Get preventive and active care options for our physical, emotional (feelings), psychological (thoughts) and social wellbeing.


Focusing on our spiritual wellbeing by DOing life based on the principles and promises of God. We read the Word of God, ruminate on it, reflect on it, and then run with it (being DOers of the Word).

From the Blog:

Readers' Comments:

"RonaV, you are absolutely an influencer through your actions and words. Many moons ago you planted a seed in my life by sharing your testimony of how awesome our Jesus is! Today, i can say that, the seed took roots and bearing much fruit. Thanks to your Prayer mom for passing on such great legacy to an awesome disciple of Jesus!!! Be blessed and keep moving forward my sista🙏🏾💕."
"Good stuff! TRUST! May we take God at His word and not listen to what our situation tells us. May we start rejoicing at His word even before the battle is won. May we experience the “And Suddenly”."

"Congrats Rona V! 🥳🥳 40 n counting 🎉🎉 I should let you- your posts are refreshing and soothing…..thank you for sharing…..😉 looking forward……."


Hi, I’m Rona V. I have a big hairy audacious goal to rally a group of folks who are 40 years and older (40-Forwarders) who embrace the gift of age, consistently give of their best, and who are willing to B.L.E.S.S. – Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway. My fellow 40-Forwarders, we will B.L.E.S.S. each other, but more importantly we will B.L.E.S.S. our Youngins (those under 40 years). Every post will align with and demonstrate the B.L.E.S.S. Plan. In sharing our stories, we will let our age (life experiences) count. Come join us, and let us DO life together!

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40-Forwarders be intentional about B.L.E.S.Sing