7 Tips on The Importance of “Watering”


“Watering” is important. It should be the way of life if you are part of the 40-Forward B.L.E.S.S. clan (Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway.). In this post, we will explore what “watering” looks like and why it is important to us and our overall wellbeing. To achieve GOOD results, we must ensure we “water” properly.

7 Tips for “Watering”

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Any farmer or gardening enthusiast among us that can concur with these tips?

40-Forwarders, do you see where I am going with this? I don’t think I need to spell it out. Do I? Ok. Let me delve just a little deeper.

Let us be clear, we are all called to water one person or the other. Well Rona V., I don’t think that I have been called to water anyone. My dear, I beg to differ. Just look in the mirror. The person looking back at you is the first person that you are called to water – YOU!

“Watering” Others

Now, let’s check on some other possible “waterees”. Those whom you pour into.

Water the youngins in your life

First up, those of you who are parents. Parents, parents, parents, you are the primary waterer for your children. Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” It cannot be any clearer. You are responsible.

Let’s stay on the children train. Are you a grandparent, uncle, aunt, Godmother, Godfather, guardian? Well then, you are called to water.

Your chosen career path could also make you a waterer by default – teacher, counselor, pastor, HR professional, financial advisor, and the list goes on.

Are you seen or regarded as a “community leader” or a leader of any sort? Well my dear, you are a waterer.

Now that we’ve settled that we are all watering one way or other, it is time to take inventory of those you have been called to water. It is important that we recognise that, like plants, people differ and so knowing them (their nuances and preferences) will help you be a better waterer. It will help guide how and when you interact with them. This is key. We want maximum impact from our watering.

Parents, this one I am sure will ring true. As your children grow, how you relate (water) changes. This I know takes work. I had to make a conscious effort to adjust how I related to my younger cousins – I was Aunty Rona to them – as they moved from young children to teenagers to adults. As they aged and their personalities developed, I had to adjust my watering.

The place we spend the most of our lives is at work. This therefore by default, is where we do most of our watering. My coworkers will tell you, I refer to all of them as “my children”. But Rona V. this is disrespectful? Is it? To me this speaks to relationship. In this relationship, I get to know each person and relate to them accordingly. This makes watering effective.

When you serve others, you are watering

The common denominator in the watering plan is you. You must therefore get YOU right. As the one doing the outpouring, it is imperative that you check YOUR water source. (Selah)

An area that I think we can all brush up on is being deliberate about our watering. How many has a ready YES to, “Do you plan for watering?” If you are like me, I sometimes go with the flow (wing it). Some of us may not have had a plan perse, but may have simply developed one by DOING.

40-Forwaders truth is, some of us may genuinely not know and therefore need to go find help to develop our “watering” skills. And there is no shame in this. Let’s take Dr. Lynn Richardson’s advice, “Learn what you don’t know.”

Our B.L.E.S.S. mandate compels us to “pull up”! We can’t leave this to chance. If we are not properly watering our “plants”, they could find other sources. These sources could be detrimental to their health and wellbeing.

Let’s take some time to assess, our watering plan (go back to the 7 Tips). Are you achieving the desired results? Have you, as we would say in Jamaica, “stunted the plant”? Are those you are watering thriving?

I’ve barely scratched the surface, but I hope I have dropped enough nuggets to get your juices flowing (food for thought and action).

We are here to learn from each other, so drop a few of your best, tried and proven “watering” tips. In your relationships, how have you sown into others, or who has sown into your life. How has this affected/impacted who you are?  Comment & share this post with others so they too can benefit.
