In this post 40-Forwarders, I am going to lay on the quality speak real heavy. I will do my best to demonstrate one principle that will help us achieve GOOD SUCCESS with our plans. This principle will require us to understand IMPACT.
As we (re)search we are weighing the costs and understanding impact. When we execute, it should be with a view to reduce (or eliminate) possible negative impact of the intended change while reaping the change’s full benefit.
Fret not my dears, Rona V. will break it down for you. I will keep it simple and practical as we apply the process approach to our daily lives.
Are you familiar with the saying, “No man is an island; no man stands alone?” Well the process approach brings meaning to this. The process approach tells us that we must understand how different processes interact, how they interrelate. Because a change in one will cause a change in another.
Stakeholders (everybody who may be or can be impacted) must know how the change(s) will affect them because they in turn will need to make changes.
One of your goals is to pay down debt. This will involve spending less money and/or making more money. Let’s see how this impact the different “processes”, the different stakeholders, in your life.
Family Time
Instead of the two or three annual vacations, this may turn to one or none at all. Oh, those movie nights we did at least once per week/month, we will have those, but cuddled up at home. You have to break this news gently. Be prepared for some sighs, sidestepping and sulking.
To minimize the adverse effects, it is important that we get our family members involved in financial goal planning. Get everyone on the same page – it will hurt now, sacrifices will have to be made now, but oh what a rejoicing it will be in a few years when, TOGETHER, we achieve our financial goals. This is the WHY that must go ahead of any discussion about budget cuts.
This conversation can be easier, just use the “due to COVID restrictions” reasoning – this is why we will be cutting back on (or out) these day outs, night outs and road trips.
Or you have taken on a second job so no more “free time”.
Are renovations in the air for you? Before you start demolishing, process interaction check!
- Government: Do you need any special permits? Will this affect your taxes?
- HOA: Do you need permission to carry out the type of renovations you are about to do?
- CONTRACTOR: Can (s)he fulfil all requirements?
- SELF: Can you remain in the dwelling while the project is going on? If no, where will you go? How much will it cost?
Let me squeeze one more in for emphasis …
You have decided that some dietary changes are necessary. Well my dears again you have to look at all the parties that this change will impact – mainly family.
- Those QSRs (Chinese takeout, KFC, Popeyes, Tim Horton’s, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Burger King … need I go on) won’t be seeing you quite as often.
- You may need to make more frequent trips to the market or supermarket to ensure you have more “fresh” produce.
- Initially it may even mean that you are spending more for the change, especially if specific types of items (specialty items) need to be purchased. Can your budget handle it?
- Your family will start seeing some “strange items” in the refrigerator or cupboards. They may even wonder if they are in the right house.
- Until you develop the discipline of not reaching for “every and anything” when you feel a twinge of hunger, you will need to have that conversation with family members about the type of snacks that will be purchased (or not).
- This is a big one. Can you afford to have a “my dietary plan” and “their dietary plan”? If the answer is no, then it’s definitely time for a family meeting.
Just imagine if you have decided to start a side hustle or a new business. The list of processes that would be impacted gets longer and more complicated. The important thing is, you understand that you must take the process approach at every stage.
So you see 40-Forwarders, as you develop your Plan, you must factor in all the different processes (persons) that they will impact. Norms may need to be adjusted. And new norms may need to be developed.
This brings me to a very real and relevant point – new norms. Work from home, homeschooling and online learning is a new norm that I am sure many did not fully understand the impact. How many of us are still working out the “logistics” some nine months into the change? If process approach was part of our day-to-day then adjusting to this change that has been thrusted upon us would have been much easier.
Are we now clear about the application of the process approach in our daily lives? Think impact and start adjusting the pieces on the chessboard of life.
40-Forwarders, please do not skip this “process approach” step. It may seem time consuming and onerous but it will mean the difference between good success, success, and failure. The B.L.E.S.S. clan aims for nothing but GOOD SUCCESS!
By golly, we have been living the quality (management) life and didn’t even realise it. 😉
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Yesss change is good, we just need to take the positive from that change and accept that this is how life is made up.. Always try to be prepared for change.
In God we trust and leave all to him.
Karen, that preparation is important. I like that you “take the positive from change”!