How to Be a BLESSing

In last weekend’s blog, The Introductions, I talked about the purpose of this blog – an intentional call to those 40 years and older to B.L.E.S.S. (Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway.)

Getting to (40 years) and beyond is a BLESSing in and of itself. I remembered when, as we would say in Jamaica, “crossed it”. I gave God thanks for His goodness and mercy towards me. I did as the songwriter says, “Rolled back the curtains of memories now and then.” Oh how He has gifted me with life for His glory and to be a BLESSing to others. (Selah)

Blessings are usually associated with finances. While this is true, because of this mindset, we sometimes miss the weightier matter. Blessings are more than simply money (cash in the bank and possessions).

There are times I had (money) to give, but sometimes I didn’t. Instead I had more (and better) to give. A warm smile, a hug, a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, advice, help, weeping with someone, celebrating with someone, praying for someone, and the list goes on and on. That my dears is MONEY.

It is my good pleasure to impart knowledge. Knowledge gained are seeds to be sown in the lives of others. Add to this the water of wisdom and watch these seeds grow.  Help to cultivate fruit-bearing trees.

What do you want to be remembered for? What mark do you want to leave behind? What trail are you leaving behind for others coming behind to follow? Pass it on before you pass on.

In the good times we need encouragement. In these rough and tough times we need it even more. When last have you coached someone to take another step or help them get across the finish line? When last have you declared the promises of God into some else’s life? Be someone’s #1 cheerleader!

Extend a helping hand. Be the shoulder to cry on. Lend a listening ear. Believe with them. Give good Godly counsel.

Choose to be an influencer. Influence others to make right decisions. Influence by your convictions. Influence by your doing. What better way to sway than to TESTIFY of God’s love and His goodness in your life.

Do you see how rich you are? “Blessings jus a run yuh dung!” (Translated: Blessings are chasing after you.) 40-Forwarders, dole out the BLESSings you have collected over the years. Don’t be stingy with it. Give (and it will come back to you).

Don’t let this seed sowing opportunity pass you by! (Selah)

Many a BLESSing I have received and I will be a BLESSing to others.

40-Forwarders we are richer than we think. Be intentional about your BLESSing lifestyle.

8 thoughts on “How to Be a BLESSing”

  1. I agree. Crossing the 40 year mark is indeed a blessing. I strive everyday day to be a BLESSing to others. This has resulted in me being also BLESSEed. In other words “reap what you sow.”

  2. Hallelujah! Words of wisdom to live by. I am bless to be a blessing. Thanks Rona for reminding us of how blessed we are.

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