Celebrating Dads: 8 GOOD Gift Ideas for Father’s Day


Happy Father’s Day (when it comes) to all our fathers! Let us celebrate our fathers (our dads)! Too often all we hear about are the behaviours of those fathers who give fatherhood a bad name – we’ve all heard the terms “dead beat dads” and “sperm donors” – and some persons have “used the same fat to fry all dads”. We are going to flip the script and instead, we are going to big up and shine the spotlight on good father behaviours. Good fathers (a lot of them) deh bout and this weekend we will be deliberate about celebrating them! This is the first in our 3 part “Happy Father’s Day” series.

Oh yes my dears, we are starting our series by showering our dads with gifts!

8 Gift Ideas for Father’s Day

Men and women are different, but this is one area in which they are similar – they both like good gifts. We will circle back to some of those Mother’s Day Gift Ideas (some with a tweak). You know my philosophy, FREE first, so here goes.

1. Pray for dad

There are many dads who labour over their child(ren) in prayer – they pray with, for, and over them. They understand the importance of this role and they never cease to take their children to the Lord in prayer. Now it’s our turn. Call up dad and pray with him.

In your prayer time be sure to give God thanks for fathers. Let us open our mouths and speak LIFE over them!

2. Throw down for dad

They say one of the ways to a man’s heart is through his tummy, so get to cooking! What are some of your dad’s favourite dishes? Make it like he is used to or put a spin on it! Let’s do like we did for mama, why not make a weekend of it and make a favourite dish per day for dad.

3. Create a playlist

Have you ever heard your dad “sing out”?! What type of songs are they? Download. Label. Send.

If your dad is like my dad (Paps), he is a sports enthusiast. Some dads like sports in general while others have preferences. If I am able to put my hands on any cricket (lovely cricket) matches featuring the West Indies and put them together for Paps, I would be in good running for “Daughter of the Year”. 🙂 What would make your dad happy? Go ahead, download and let him binge-watch. Why not!

4. Get creative

There is something about a handcrafted gift. You will be surprised by what you can do, with what you have. Trust, dad will love (and keep) anything your hands create. If you need some help to get your creative juices flowing go over to Pinterest and search for “Fathers Day Gift Ideas”.

It is dad’s turn, roll that wonderful dad footage! Create a montage or gallery of his moments – nowadays and yesteryears. Watch dad have a good laugh (or shed a tear or two).

5. You

Spending time on father's day

Spending time with you may be just what the doctor ordered this Father’s Day for dad. If you are not able to visit, how about giving him a call? I promise you, he is waiting by the phone. Put the icing on the cake and make it a video call!

Those are the “cost little to nothing” gifts, but they are indeed PRICELESS!

Now here is where you will have to drop some dollars. You know Rona V. will be taking the opportunity to send some support to a few entrepreneurs (local, in Jamaica) in our B.L.E.S.S. clan.

6. Delight dad’s taste buds

40-Forwarders, do you remember last year we talked about “It is Important to Keep Traditions Alive” and in that post we gave a shout-out to Hanover House Rum Cream? I wonder if she has any available for Father’s Day. (Hint, Hint)

My dears, our B.L.E.S.S. Clan member who told us about mama’s creation above, started a little suppen, suppen for herself – work of art cheesecakes (my words, not hers) – Cheesecake by Geanne Marcia. She has dropped some “out of the box” flavours since opening (OMG!). Guess which flavour she started out with, mama’s of course – HanoverHouse Signature Rum Cream Cheesecake! 40-Forwarders that is legacy in action.

Listen to Geanne Marcia’s #FLAVOUROFTHEWEEK – Rum Butter Bread Pudding Cheesecake. Talk truth 40-Forwarders, with a name like that, wouldn’t you buy one for your dad AND one for yourself?!

Go check her out on Instagram. Call or DM to see what’s available for Father’s Day.

Father's day gift - cheesecake

Still catering to dad’s sweet tooth, I am once again pointing you to Ana-Alicia over at Batter Up. I know she did a giveaway for Mother’s Day, not so sure what she has in her mixing bowl for Father’s Day, but this much is true, she will definitely sort out your dad’s tastebuds. Again 40-Forwarders, Paps did the taste test and … Score! 🙂

7. Gift basket or box

My dears, Deidre of Taylorsdecorandplanning is on top of her game (as per usual) for Father’s Day. Her creations, as we would say in Jamaica, “full eye”! Look at these …

Father's day gift baskets

Father's day gift boxes

I have seen persons “shopping” her gifts for those men in their lives who celebrate their birthdays in June, so what does that tell you! She has something good going on. Get in on it!

You know the drill, check her out on Instagram and call or DM.

8. Pamper

News flash, men like spas too! A massage is in order for dad. And oh yes, men like manicures and pedicures too.

Have you ever heard the term “manscape”? Well my dears, if dad is on the hairier side, then a manscape may be in order – trimming, shaving, or waxing of his body hair.

Let dad’s pampering begin!

Those are the 8 Good Gift Ideas for Father’s Day just in case you needed a little push start. 😉 Go make it happen for dad!

Let me pause, to acknowledge, that there are some who have lost their dads and this season is particularly hard for you. It’s OK, cry if you must. You have lost your hero, your best friend, your rock. Oh what wonderful memories!

We sometimes forget that there are fathers who have lost their child(ren) and this season brings with it painful memories. Go ahead, cry if you must, it’s OK.

Dads, know that we are praying for you in this season and we are sending some love and warmth your way!

Let’s celebrate our dads, grandads, papas, grandpas, dadas, who are setting a good example and who are carrying the torch of fatherhood! 

Fill in the blank in the Comments, “My dad rocks because ………….”

Be sure to SHARE 🙂


8 thoughts on “Celebrating Dads: 8 GOOD Gift Ideas for Father’s Day”

  1. Great read. My dad rocks because he’s a man of principle and has taught me same. Integrity is his middle name. From my youth he always says “If someone sends you to the shop to buy something with $1 and the thing costs 99cents ensure to present the one cent change upfront when you return.”

  2. Andrea Chin-Scott

    Great ideas Rona. Krissanne also does some lovely personalized gift boxes for all occasions. Check her out too.

    1. Andrea, share her handle so we can throw support her way. You know that is how we roll! 😉

  3. Veronica campbell

    Well done miss Campbell, You have put the icing on the cake for all who have a father and do love them, because is not every father is a father some are only sperm doners.

  4. Tresha-Gay Roper

    My dad rocks because He loves and serves the Lord Jesus! He has led his family to walk and live according to the Word of God and I am soooooo grateful for this legacy! Well done Michael!

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