EVENING REFLECTION: Look Again, What is Your Perspective


Perspective. It changes. Depending on how we are positioned, where we are positioned, when we are positioned, who we are positioned with or if we are positioned any at all, perspective change.

In 2 Kings 6:8-17, the story starts out with the King of Syria planning to war against Israel. Every time he put his strategy in place, God revealed it to His prophet Elisha who warns the King of Israel. This happened on more than one occasion. The King of Syria got upset and called a meeting to find out who in his camp was revealing the battle strategies to the enemy. One of his servants said, it is none of us but, “Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.” This response triggered a sequence of events that will teach us about perspective.

The King of Syria found out Elisha’s location and sent out horses, chariots and a great host to surround the town Elisha was in. Elisha’s servant went out and saw the mighty army and worriedly told Elisha what he had seen (from his perspective). Elisha was not in the least bit alarmed.

From Elisha’s perspective he said, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.”

At this stage in your life do you feel hemmed in on every side by the enemy? Does it appear as though he has the upper hand in your life? Is the enemy roaring like a lion and causing you to be afraid? Shift your perspective.

“Fear not: for they that be with YOU are more than they that be with them.” The God in whom you believe is THE Lion of the tribe of Judah (into which we are adopted).

Shift your position and change your perspective.

You may be in the valley, but you are under the shadow of THE ALMIGHTY. Simply, as Psalm 91 admonishes us, remain in God’s secret place. Remain in His presence. This is where your perspective will change.

Anything under His shadow is covered! Let the enemy surround all he wants. Don’t move from under your “shadowed” perspective.

From this perspective, VICTORY is yours. See your situation from heavenly places. This is where your backup comes from. (Ephesians 1:17-23).

He whose shadow you are under knows the end from the beginning. He knows the plans He has towards you and none of these plans are to harm you. (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28) See everything in life through the lens of His perspective for your life.

I am sure the servant was at peace when Elisha told him to fear not. Why? His perspective changed because of WHO spoke the words – Elisha.

Who you align yourself to, who you hang with, affects your perspective. Check your pack. (Selah)

With this new perspective, go look again at what surrounds you. As you do, I pray like Elisha in 2 Kings 6:17

There is more happening in the unseen than that which is happening in your scene. (Selah)
