
What we do is often guided by a WHY. And the more deep seated this WHY, the more amplified is our gusto, passion, and persistence.

Our WHY is usually driven by what is in our hearts, the seat of our emotions, will, intellect, and decision making. We therefore have to watch the “What” in our hearts because it acts as the rudder for our WHY. (Selah)

We do (and say) according to what is in our hearts. Jesus said it best …

It is important that our hearts are in God’s way so that He can direct our steps (Proverbs 16:9).

Our WHY must never to be menpleasers. Instead it should be, “… with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ … servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men” (Ephesians 6:5-7). If we keep this mindset, prosperous will be our way. So, “do good” whether the boss is looking or not.

With our WHY being “doing the will of God”, we will have the get up and go when we would rather not. Let’s be honest, there are those days you feel like you have had enough, especially when you have always given it your all with not so much as a “Thank You”. If it were not for this WHY, you would have been long gone.

With “doing the will of God” being our WHY, it is His mind, His power, and His leading that gives us good success after good success. When persons would ask, “How did you do it,” you have one answer, “But God!”

Having our WHY right, we are able to represent the Kingdom of God well. We are always cognisant that it is in Him we live, move, and have our being (Act 17:28). And that it is He who gives us the ability to DO.

What’s guiding your WHY? Truth is, it’s not about us, but instead it’s about His will being done in and through us.

Let us get our WHY right.

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1 thought on “EVENING REFLECTION: Do you know your WHY?”

  1. Lanuna Davis-Sankey

    Amen💕Our WHY? must be done with pure intentions and for his glory! Thank you for reminding us of our number 1 purpose is to do his will.

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