Spiritual growth - My Focus_My Priority

Experiencing Spiritual Growth – An Upward Look


Experiencing spiritual growth is what this post is next on the agenda. We are well into the conversation about “prosper (finance)” and “be in good health“. So let’s get into “as your soul prospers”. This requires grit, gumption, and greater grace. This is where the real fight has been.

My plan of action is simple – practice God’s presence in every situation. Easy, right?

40-Forwarders, how many of you could do with a second you &/or a couple of extra hours in the day? As for me, I seem to always be “busy”. Busyness took on a whole new meaning when I decided to re-engage with God to get back on track with experiencing spiritual growth.

My brain seems to be “ON” 24/7 – planning, executing plans, tweaking, and repeat. I spent half my time at work and the other half in ministry, and sometimes they overlapped and so I had to choose. I fell asleep from exhaustion and rest was not easy. It has gotten really crazy. Oh, what action should I be carrying out again? Where in all this was I practicing God’s presence? (Talk Truth)

Do What You Must To Experience Spiritual Growth

Drastic times called for drastic measures. I started learning to say “No” and I stopped taking homework (ok, ok, I took homeless and less work). I went as far as placing “Bible Study & Prayer” as a nightly task on my Google calendar. It has been a season of establishing boundaries and sticking to them.

Spiritual growth happens when we spend time with Jesus

So what did I do?

  • Deliberately created room in my life for my first love – Jesus.
  • Spoke to Him more.
  • Meditated on His Word more.
  • Those days when I don’t get the opportunity to read the Word, I try to listen to it.

The Results Will Come

And what were the results?

My hearing has sharpened (more atuned). Wisdom continues to increase. I share and encourage others more. My songs have returned to my heart (and on my lips) – I’m rejoicing night and day! Intimacy is returning. I simply have more of Him. My current song is, “Gimmi You, everything else can wait. Gimmi You, I hope I’m not too late.”

Am I perfect? No. Am I where I want to be? No. Am I making the necessary steps in re-establishing my spiritual self-discipline? Yes. While I continue to aim for perfection, I am celebrating my progress! As my soul prospers so will my finances and my health. But first things first.

Spiritual growth through intimacy

I go back to Tam Reid’s quote “CONSISTENCY that’s all! Whatever you’re consistent at, you will be successful at!” Pursuit of Christ Jesus is what I value above all else so, CONSISTENCY it is!

In this 40-Forward journey, life will always be busy, BUT, I am doing my part (with God’s help) to ensure that my light is not hid and that I do not lose my saltiness. I am doing what I must to walk worthy of the vocation to which I’m called, Christian. (Selah)

You will have front row seats to this journey as well. The journey has borne “EVENING REFLECTIONS” that is posted on Sundays. These reflections are written out of time spent with God. We take an intentional look in the Mirror (the Word of God). In these Reflections, I get to share my dear Prayer Mother, Shirley Joy, with you.

Thank you for staying with me on this ongoing “spiritual prosperity” journey. So far I have put three (3) corrective actions in place:

If you haven’t already, put a “spiritual prosperity” plan in place for yourself. I promise, you will be glad you did!


1 thought on “Experiencing Spiritual Growth – An Upward Look”

  1. Amen! Take care of what is most important..our eternal souls! Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added! Thanks Rona.

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