How Important is THANK YOU?


Here is another short and sweet one for you.

THANK YOU is a high-valued under-rated stock. (Selah)

Serve up some THANK YOU today!

40-Forwarders, do you realise that these words – THANK YOU – are oftentimes used only in business transactions, when gifts are received, or in response to attendance to an event? Think about it.

In this season, silver and gold you may have none, but such as you have, give unto others – THANK YOU!

The worth and weight of THANK YOU is too often underestimated.

THANK YOU to most is translated, “I appreciate you,” especially when you add the WHY you are saying thank you.

When someone tells you THANK YOU out of a sincere heart, how do you feel? Give the gift of this “feeling”.

THANK YOU may just be the wind beneath someone’s wing or the push they need to keep on keeping on. BLOW! PUSH!

Our THANK YOU should bubble up out of a well-spring of gratitude. So what are you grateful for?

40-Forwarders, through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come, so there must be something to be thankful for. Let me help you …

Who are some of those persons that walked (or is still walking) with you through though times? Go ahead and tell them THANKS!

Do you have someone who is your sounding board, who always lends a listening ear, who is your accountability partner (officially or unofficially)? Go ahead and tell them THANKS!

How about that person who makes you feel completely at ease and even puts a smile on your face. Go ahead and tell them THANKS!

True story …

Put THANK YOU in your own handwriting and make it extra special.

A colleague, who departed from the organisation, sent each person a personalised THANK YOU card. Yes, you read correctly. We got handwritten personalised THANK YOUs with our specific WHYs. Everyone, that told me about their card, was touched by the sentiments expressed. I don’t think they will ever forget. All I have to say is, Rona V. is not going to lose her card!

This is the “feeling” gift I am talking about. What a high-value AND high-class move!

I am so proud to say that this individual is a member of our B.L.E.S.S. clan!

Let us walk in the footsteps of our fellow BLESSer and put a personal touch on this Christmas by giving the gift of a heartfelt, sincere THANK YOU!

Do you remember My Ms. Tresha? She has the THANK YOU ministry down pat. Thanks Ms. Tresha for always saying “Thank you”. Thanks Mums & Paps for being my greatest cheerleaders. Thanks Mumu for having a girl’s back. Thanks Shirley Joy for dropping off my mail.

Drop some THANK YOUs in the Comments. The person(s) may very well be reading! And do SHARE this post.


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