How to CARE


My dear 40-Forwarders, I am stopping by to drop a quick B.L.E.S.S. nugget about CARE that was triggered by this note that a friend of mine sent to me that he penned back in 2017 …

“In a world full of people who couldn’t care less, be someone who cares. Don’t let those who take advantage of your generosity stop you from being generous. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing. Be tender with the young, compassionate with the old, tolerant of the weak, because someday in your life you will be all of these. Today, give a stranger a smile; it might be the only sunshine he or she sees all day. Be aware compassion is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

Ray Smith

There is more, but I will kotch it right there. Ain’t this the truth 40-Forwarders!? It causes me to think about, “How am I doing in the CARE department?”

We know that we cannot be all things to all men, but we can be there for at least one other – each one reach one.

In one of last year’s blog we looked at the issue of Mental Health . We found that one of the contributing factors to mental health problems is separation and isolation which leads to individuals starting to feel lonely, and then progressing to extreme loneliness and feelings of depression can set in. Social interaction is therefore critical to our wellbeing.

Our interactions must demonstrate CARE (Compassion-Attention-Regard-Encouragement).

A little CARE goes a long way!

Our demonstration of CARE:

  • Eases the anxiety of others; set their minds at ease
  • Gives persons a “safe place
  • Shows others they are not alone
  • Gives great joy to others

How many times have you felt, “noone cares about me?”  In those moments, wouldn’t you crave a CARE package?

It’s a long time I haven’t dropped a Jamaican saying so here goes, “Ef yuh know betta, du betta.” (Translated: You know the right thing to do, so do it.) I implore you to show some care (interest) in others. But Rona V, what about me, I have cares too! I know dears, but the Word is true, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”

Care begets care. (Selah)

Now, care looks and feels different to different people. Yes, you may need care yourself or you may be caught in the “busy” cycle, BUT here are 10 THINGS you could do:

  1. Put in a quick call from time-to-time.
  2. Sit and listen intently and intentionally.
  3. Share in an activity that is important to the other person.
  4. Send a “just because” gift, it doesn’t have to be a special occasion.
  5. A hug anybody?
  6. Offer up some prayers – pray with and for someone!
  7. Someone is looking forward to your bright smile to illuminate and make their day!
  8. A kind word and/or gesture is usually welcomed.
  9. Home care – mow the lawn, shovel some snow, walk the dog, go shopping, make a meal, help to tidy around the house – you get the picture.
  10. Sometimes the person simply wants you to be there, nothing else.

Someone is looking forward to your CARE package today. Don’t withhold it. On closer examination, the real cost of your package is not cash out of your pocket, but time.

Think about it 40-Forwarders – stop the people from caring for each other – has been a strategy of the enemy from time immemorial. What better way to do this than to get us in a space where we stop doing good because we have been wronged (sometimes over and over again). My dears, we will NOT give the enemy the upper hand. What are we going to do about it? CARE anyhow!

You are oh so right Mr. Smith, “Compassion is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” 40-Forwarders let us speak it loud and speak it clear!

After my personal CARE assessment, I updated my 40 & Counting tracker (CLICK HERE for your free copy), and added, “40 minutes of care time”. This means that every week, I am intentional about reaching out to someone for at least 40 minutes. This is my way to “du betta”.

40-Forwarder BLESSers (& Youngins), let us be intentional in the CARE department. A little consideration goes a long way.

Who can you reach out to? It could be someone in your household or someone in your extended family or a neighbour or a friend you have not seen or heard from in a long time.

The demonstration of CARE (compassion-attention-regard-encouragement) is priceless!

Before I roll out … CARE for those who don’t care for you. (Selah)

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7 thoughts on “How to CARE”

  1. Tresha-Gay Roper

    Thanks for this Rona V. I am reminded of the words of a song ..”if I can help somebody as I travel along…my living shall not be in vain”. I choose to CARE!

  2. A very timely message Rona. Thank you for choosing to bring this to the consciousness.
    My only addition is the reminder to start caring for self first, because you do not want to attempt to offer to others when your own cup is empty.
    Stay in the light. ☆Ishshah🔅

    1. Yes Ishshah, I agree totally. We must start caring for ourselves first so that we are in a better position to CARE for others!

  3. Veronica campbell

    Thanks sister Rona this is my song if i could help somebody as i travel as i travel along then my living will not being vain .thank you again for opening our eyes to care fore some one bless you woman of God.

  4. Great Sis Rona,

    We do need each other. No man is an island; no man should stand alone.

    Love in action (CARE)😂❤🙏🏋️‍♂️

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