Declare life over marriages

How To Ensure Your Marriage and Ministry Work


Let me introduce you to my work Bestie – My Ms. Tresha. She has this name, My Ms. Tresha, because of Mums (I will explain at another time). When I tell you she is one of a kind, she really is.

There are many things that I could write about My Ms. Tresha, but this is what stands out for me … She LOVES her man! Yes, My Ms. Tresha, is Mrs. Roper. I have never met anyone that talks about, respects, loves, honours, supports, and enjoys her husband more. She always speaks well of him and when she does, her eyes (behind the glasses) twinkle. I am fully convinced that she has the only “Baby”. We would be in the midst of a conversation and she blurts out (unconsciously I might add), “I miss my Baby.”

Why am I highlighting this you might ask … dis nuh nawmal (Translation: This is not the norm.) We often hear and read about the ills of marriage – how they are on the rocks, they are falling apart, and some even say why bother. After all, we have the stats to back it up, right?

These stats may be facts, but we live life according to TRUTH (according to the Word). Isn’t it time we were deliberate about declaring the TRUTH about marriage?! Life and death is in the power of the tongue. (Selah)

Declare life over marriages

Today’s buzz words are “the new normal”, join me (and My Ms. Tresha) in flipping the script, changing the discourse and shifting the trajectory of marriage. Let’s declare life over this sacred and noble institution – marriage and the family matters! My Ms. Tresha declares LIFE over her husband and he does the same for her. Not only is he her covering, but he is her Bestie!

Take a bow My Ms. Tresha … you are a virtuous woman that must be talked about! I am taking copious “ministry” notes. πŸ˜‰

My dears, you would think I am talking about, what we would call “young love”It’s 10 years and counting! And she is not yet 40! 40-Forwarders, you know this will only get better with age! πŸ™‚

Mr. Roper, you struck gold (and I know you know it)!

It would be remiss of me to end this post without mentioning Ms. Tresha’s other love – bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to children. 40-Forwarders, when I tell you she goes all out, she goes all out! Passion (and heart) is an understatement. How do I know? I oftentimes get the Sunday School lessons before the children.

I look forward to Monday mornings to hear all about the children’s reaction to the lesson. It brings tears to her eyes when she talks about how her children are growing personally and growing in the Lord. She is patting her eyes (she is usually teary eyed) and giving me ball-by-ball commentary. I can tell you this, she is a proud mama! πŸ™‚

I know all her children and I have never attended a class. What does this tell you about My Ms. Tresha?!

No child under her watch will grow up NOT knowing God for themselves.

Apparently this is how she has always been! There is someone at work who corroborates (can’t help but to squeeze in the “quality” speak) this – she was her Sunday School teacher. Remember, Ms. Tresha has not yet hit 40.

Let’s see how well she is trending in the B.L.E.S.S. plan

40-Forwarders, join me in celebrating and saluting My Ms. Tresha! When I grow up, I want to be just like her! Take another bow my dear friend, you are a great example for the young and old alike. We CELEBRATE your commitment to ministry (marriage and spreading the gospel)!

Share this post with someone to show them that all hope is not lost and the future is bright for marriage and (children) ministry!


6 thoughts on “How To Ensure Your Marriage and Ministry Work”

    1. We Salute you Mrs. Tresh (wink). Another one of your older children who has personally benefited from your Ministry. May God continue to cover you and your husband. Blessings.

  1. Wow! Thanks Rons! I am speechless and yes…teary-eyed…cant take the credit…I am God’s handiwork…still on the potter’s wheel! Of course I thank God for gifting me with the best husband in the Baby!

  2. WOW!!
    Thank God for allowing you to share Ms Tresha with us. May God continue to bless and use her to do his will.

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