Where’re my BIG dreamers at?! So you are 40+ and the plan you had for your life has not quite panned out the way you imagined it. Are you sitting in a corner beating up on yourself? Do you have a pity party going on? Do you feel like it is too late and why bother?! “Kotch it!” (Translated: Stop it right there.) Let me encourage you with a Jamaican saying, “Yuh nuh dun. Yuh jus a cum.” (Translated: It’s not over for you. You have just started.)
My dear 40-Forwarder – look UP, get UP, move UP!
Go get your dream out of archive. Dust it off. Read through it. “Rona V. I really didn’t have anything written down so to speak, it’s in my head and I can see it clearly.” What did you jus say?! We have got to fix that problem! Have you not heard, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it?”

STEP 1: Move it from your head and put pen to paper. Write the vision.
Now that you have it in front of you, is this still what you want to do, or are adjustments/tweaks needed? Were there persons in the original plan that are perhaps no longer in your life? Do you need to “enlighten your darkness” (learn) to pull off some of what is needed?
STEP 2: Present your proposal to your chief Principal.
Now that you have reviewed and updated your plan. Be sure to present it to the Lord. Lay it before Him, and let Him read it and “pass” it (give His nod of approval).
STEP 3: Share the vision
Prayerfully consider sharing the “approved plan” with a trusted friend(s) who will “Talk Truth” (hold you accountable), who will help you run with it (support), and who will get you across the finish line (encourage).
40-Forward BLESSer, step into your dream. Your time is now! It has been a long time coming; and you thought the dream was dead, but God (your chief Principal) has breathed life back into it. Step into the possibility!
You have just made a LEGACY move. This is what you want to leave behind – an UP-attitude. Your step could be encouraging others (knowingly and unknowingly). Rona V., where do you get these sayings from?! Let me help you … Do you know that you can be a long-distance influencer? Eh?
There are those who are looking on your life and living their lives based off of your (life) experiences and actions. (Selah)
40-Forwarders, going after your dreams, in your so-called “old age”, is not just for you. When, in your 40+ years, you made that switch from “woe is me” to “wow look at me” by keeping your dream ALIVE, not only did you alter the trajectory of your life, but you affected the destiny of someone looking on!

It’s not too late to be a Swayer (Influencer). Go, IMPACT lives!
Drop your comments and be sure to SHARE!

Selah!! Move your dreams from your head and write it with pen and paper.