How To Move Forward In 2021


Yesterday’s title was a glimpse into today’s post – Moving. Our engines are warmed and revved, as we taxied on the runway in 2020. 40-Forwarders, we have been cleared for takeoff!

This year we are going to “keep it moving”. Climbing to the required altitudes for our respective destinations (goals).

Coming off of a turbulent 2020, we may feel a little lacklustered but, we will “keep it moving”.

No resting on our laurels! No woe is me! No, I’m too old. No, it’s too late. None of that! We will “keep it moving”.

This however, is not any move, but we are going to make precise and pointed steps. No energy or resources will be wasted in the process.

Any motionlessness (yes, you read right) must be for meditation, me time, rest, recuperation, and making ready to move.

Here is the wind beneath our wings – CONSISTENCY. I hereby dub 2021 as the Year of CONSISTENCY.

Slow and steady. Fast and furious. Whichever way, whatever your reality, it says, “I am going somewhere, this is not my final destination.”

A consistent person is dependable. So, steady goes the ship of our lives. Take out your B.L.E.S.S. plan (Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway.) and put it before you. Well you see Rona V., I really don’t have one. No worries. Today, you start some (new) moves.

Our first and second move is found in Proverbs 3:5-6

The Message version puts it like this …

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.

We have to trust our plans into God’s hands. What are some of those things that you have been pondering in your heart and/or you may have scratched on a piece of paper?

Take your ideas (possible moves) out of hiding and present them to the Lord.

But I don’t need to tell Him anything, He already knows. True, but He wants us to tell Him what we want to do anyway. This is how we “acknowledge Him”. Now listen for His guidance. Listen with this understanding, ” His ways are not our ways.” (Selah)

Let us head over to Habakkuk 2:2 (a) for our third move.

40-Forwarders, precise moves require paperwork (manual or digital). There is no getting around it. Notepad or iPad, let’s get to writing.

Rona V., I am ready to write, but what do I write? Glad you asked. That idea(s) you talked to the Lord about and you have listened intently to His heart on the matter, with confidence in His leading, put it in print.

What I like to call the Business 101 method, works with every and anything.

  • WHAT are you working towards – big picture first then fine details?
  • WHY are you working towards it?
  • HOW do you plan on getting there?
  • WHO will help you get there?
  • WHEN do you plan on getting there?
  • B.L.E.S.S. Plan fit?

This is how it will work for one of my personal goals that I pondered on in the 4th Quarter of 2020, and I had a huddle (heart-to-heart) with the Holy Ghost.

  • WHAT: Read through the bible in a year
  • WHY: My bible recall has become “rusty” and in order for me to properly apply the Word, I need quick, sharp and accurate recall. In the process I want to improve my intimacy with God
  • HOW: Carving out specific time in my schedule for the reading/studying of God’s Word. I have prepared a reading chart to track my progress, created a study area with my bibles and other reference material in place. My notebook and necessary stationary are purchased and ready to go.
  • WHO: No specific individuals, however, I will engage some accountability partners and if I come across any sticking points, I dial Shirley Joy.
  • WHEN: 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021
  • B.L.E.S.S. Plan: Building my (and other’s) holy faith. Leave a legacy of a love for God’s word. Offering encouragement and support from the Word. Sway (influence) based on the Word.

Now that you see how it works, repeat this process for all of the other goals you have set for yourself.

These are the goals you will have in your wheelhouse. Consistent movement will then be built around them. Go work the plan.

In this process 40-Forwarders, we are demonstrating to the youngins the importance of planning, showing that God must be part of the plan, and they are also learning how to put a plan together – what, why, how, who, when PLUS the B.L.E.S.S. component.

The success of our journey hinges on how well we prepare our flight plans. (Selah)

Our air traffic controller – Holy Ghost – will guide us through the ebbs and flows of the flight. He may even tell us to change course. No problem man, it is to get us to our destination safely. We need to keep our ears tuned to the right frequency. And do whatsoever the Controller says. After all, He sees and knows all things.

Do share this post with others.


7 thoughts on “How To Move Forward In 2021”

  1. Vanessa Rowe Gayle

    Awesome WORD Sis. Rona! God blessing rest fully upon you and strengthen and continue to inspire you to write words of wisdom, guidance and blessings!!!

  2. Pingback: It Is Important To Celebrate – 40 And Counting – Simply Rona V.

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