Ways to support small businesses

How To Support Small Businesses


Small businesses need our support, period! It is rough out here in this COVID-19 world, BUT #It’sPossible! These small businesses may be at a disadvantage but they are determined to stay in the game. A survey was done in the USA between March 28 and April 4, 2020 of more than 5,800 small businesses, and at that time some 43% of them had temporarily closed. These numbers are not unique to the USA, the business impact of COVID-19 has been felt across the world.

Everywhere these small businesses seem to turn, there is another obstacle. The latest obstacle is shortages. These shortages are a double whammy for small businesses.

  • Expensive inputs
  • Unavailability of goods
  • The great resignation is real – labour shortage
  • Customers balking at higher prices which are as a result of expensive inputs

They are running on “Never Give Up” and have dug in their heels to “keep their dreams alive”! 

Of course, not every small business suffered a downturn, some took off (my friend would say, like a big baigy kite). We are going to lend our support to get them to their next level. 

B.L.E.S.S. Clan here are some ways we can support small businesses.

8 Ways To Support Small Businesses

1) Buy something

Yes, this is obvious. However, there are some persons that are always looking for “free” goods and services because they are your friends or family members (Talk Truth). My dears, pay for what you want (preferably in cash). They are running a business. And don’t be a “trust and don’t pay,” that’s just wrong! Remember, integrity!

2) Tell somebody

The definition of “word of mouth” has been altered somewhat with everything being moved online. As you are chatting with families and friends online, are you chatting with them over lunch or at a reunion, share with them a great experience you had with a small business. 

Tell others with a “Follow”. You don’t know what your “follow” could do to a small business – your Followers may just start following them – that could result in a sale. (Ching Ching)

Get them on the lips (or should I say fingertips) of others by tagging them in your social media posts and be sure to use hashtags like #ShopLocal or #SmallBusiness.

If you are able to, include them in your blog posts (a link back costs you nothing). We do it all the time here at simplyronav.com. But Sancia over at sanciacampbell.blogspot.com went on a special campaign to support small businesses with her blog in the height of the pandemic in 2020. Her specialty is marketing, and did she ever use her talent and know-how to help these businesses! Talk about a “tell somebody!”

3) Drop a review

This is another way of telling somebody. Testimonials are everything to a small business, and therefore this is one of the best ways to lend your support. Our positive reviews can help new customers become aware of these small businesses. So consider leaving a positive comment on any online platform that they can be found – their website, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok. That “Like” button on YouTube is golden, so get these small businesses noticed by clicking the “Like” button.

Many persons will search online for local businesses. And there are some persons who will go to industry-related platforms to read reviews, before making a buying decision. For instance, Trip Advisor is a go-to for persons looking for travel and leisure. 

Take it a step further and leave a positive Google review if the business is on Google Business listing. This will do wonders for the business’ SEO ranking as well as it will help to boost their online visibility and credibility. 

If you can’t afford to purchase anything from a small business that you love, go ahead and drop them a FREE positive review that could be priceless!

4) Get on their email list

Yet another FREE way to support is signing up for their mailing list. This is money to them! Small businesses are able to push content directly to you (and others). This way you always have up-to-date information on the business, just in case you need to “tell somebody”. 😉

And you know what is true, these small businesses oftentimes send out some very good freebies that can be of help to you and others (other small businesses).

Be deliberate - support small businesses

5) Search for them on purpose

So Rona V is new to social media (no joke) and I am literally feeling my way around. When I popped up on Instagram for example, a few of my colleagues sent me a “Follow Request” to their business account. And one day I had a “Ha Ha” moment and started searching for a few small businesses I was familiar with and started “Following” them.

Let me encourage you to do the same. Start searching for these small businesses.

Everyone is familiar with the name Amazon. Well, Amazon has a Shop Local page that, get this, highlights small businesses. You can search by region and by business category. This is good information I’m dropping here 40-Forwarders. Do you know a small business that perhaps needs to get on this page?! 😉

And oh yes, search the list for yourself and drop some dollars (buy something).

6) Lend a hand

Literally! Let me use an example for this one. Mums (my mama) from time to time assist one of her dearest friends who has gone into farming with weeding, planting seeds, and harvesting. And after all that, she tells people about what is “For Sale” when the time comes. Rona V, I can’t manage that! Ok, fair enough. But can you:

  • Make telephone calls
  • Answer emails
  • Respond to social media posts
  • Proof read something they have written
  • Greet customers coming into the store
  • Assist with bookkeeping
  • Sweep out the store
  • Help with deliveries
  • Listen

What do you have in your hand that could help a small business (for FREE)? 

7) Keep a lookout

Keeping costs (expenses) down is important to small businesses. If you know of a good deal/offer that they could benefit from, share it. Remember how you signed up to another small business’ newsletter and you got a “15% Off” on all items in the store? Know of any small business that could take advantage of this discount? Good looking out! 😉

Gaining new customers (revenue) is the other half of the equation. Have you ever “overheard” a conversation that could possibly be of benefit to a small business? Or you come across something in your news feed that has the information that a small business you are familiar with needs? Quick, call, DM, and/or send an email!

8) Pray

40-Forwarders, you know this is Rona V’s first posture – pray! Pray sincerely and pray without ceasing for these small businesses. This support is often overlooked, but prayer is the best way (and maybe the only way) that you are able to support these businesses. Be deliberate about lifting these businesses to the Lord in prayer!

how do you support small businesses

Wrap Up

Small business owners, you know Rona V is going to “Talk Truth” so, duh wi deh beg yuh (Translated: Please, please, please.), don’t let us down! We are in your corner, cheering you on and dropping our dollars, so ensure you are ALWAYS on point with your product and service delivery! Not only is your name on the line, but ours too! Nuh let wi down!

Before I come down off the soapbox …

There ain’t nothing like B2B support! (Selah)

So to do my part, below are a few small businesses that I want you to lend some SUPPORT! Be sure to click on the respective links after the gallery.

Click on the business links below to learn more, send an email, and/or find them on social media:

40-Forwarders, let’s roll out and be deliberate about supporting our small businesses!

“Tell somebody” by sharing this post. 😉



3 thoughts on “How To Support Small Businesses”

  1. Rona, big thumbs up for this Blog!!!!!!!! We appreciate the business exposure!!! Blessings abundantly be yours and all the very best to our fellow small business owners!!!!!!

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