Why Am I Here – The Introductions

“Aging is a GOOD thing!” This is not typical coming from a woman, but as one of my dearest friend would say, “yuh nuh nawmal” (translated, You are not normal). I don’t wish to be younger. No, I am not celebrating 25 for the rest of my life. No, life is not downhill from here. I wear my age as a badge of honour. With that said …

Hi, I am Rona Veronica (Rona V. for short) and in this blog, I will share my 40-Forward journey. At times I will look back so you can understand the context (I like to speak in context). You will also hear the ever recurring “Selah”. And every now and again I will throw in a, “My granny seh!” I am sure you have picked up by now that I am 100%Jamaican. Many still request to see my passport and birth certificate for proof – patois is usually not my first tongue and so I get teased, looked at strange, and interrogated. Rest assured that my “origin” will appear in the blog (for the most part I will translate). πŸ˜‰

I propose that age is not just a number. With age comes added responsibilities, deep reflections, and focus on what really matters. Our life’s goal should be to B.L.E.S.S. others. This is an intentional clarion call for those 40 years and older to pursue BLESSing.

Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway.

Forty (40) in the bible usually symbolises a period of trial, testing and probation. It also represents a generation. Having been through a generation, what are some of the lessons learnt, what are our testimonies, how have our characters and abilities been shaped?

We are at an age (and stage) of our lives that we should endeavour to be our best (God created) self and to give of our best. How we B.L.E.S.S. will be different, yet similar. The important thing is to make it a habit, a lifestyle, a part of our DNA.

I am very nervous and excited about this blogging journey! Going forward, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Recharge Weekend), you can circle back for the stories and conversations that B.L.E.S.S.

Spread the word!

Looking forward to giving good COUNSEL to the Youngins, CONVERTING some Forever-Youngins and CHARTING COURSES with my fellow 40-Forwarders!

7 thoughts on “Why Am I Here – The Introductions”

  1. Scott-George Beckford

    You have truly been an inspiration to me and although I’m not quite at the 40 mark yet, I’ve bought my ticket I will definitely be tagging along for the ride 😊… Looking forward to the road ahead and to learn a lot more from my dear friend who is… Simply Rona V πŸ˜‰

    1. Thank you for your heartwarming comment Scott-George. You may not be at the 40 mark yet, but anyone who knows you may say differently. As we would say in Jamaica, “Yuh bawn ole” (don’t think this needs any translation :-D) Yippee! Our first CONVERTED-Youngin!

  2. Congrats Rona! So proud of you my Sister! Pursue your passion and fufifil your purpose…BLESS!

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