It Is Important To Celebrate – 40 And Counting


40-Forwarders, we did it! I was so excited and overjoyed when I realise that this is our 40th Blog Post! πŸ™‚

This is a special milestone.

Blogging takes WORK!

Before I go any further, I must say, I have a new found respect and appreciation for bloggers. This thing takes REAL WORK! From brainstorming ideas, research, writing, edits (and trust, there is lot of this), graphics, overall look and feel (design), and then having to decide when to “drop” a particular blog, 40-Forwarders, it takes TIME, COMMITMENT & SERIOUS EFFORT!

Blogging was never on my radar so to make it to 40 Posts is a testament of #It’s Possible.

I remember well its conception. The idea hit me around the end of April 2020. It was so vivid, I created a 40-Forward logo on May 2, 2020 (can’t show you because I may have used copy written artwork, but now I know better). It started churning in my belly, head and heart. I had to “say it out loud” so I called a dear friend, and shared the vision. As I explained the vision, there was a noticeable pregnant pause on the other end and so I thought, this is not being well received. Then I heard, “This is a great idea!” (Sigh, heart come down)

Next thing I knew I was being asked, “When do you plan on starting?!” Talk about catching a vision.

Now, I had to figure out what is a blog and the mechanics behind it. Let the search begin!

With every discovery I was giddy with excitement and a tad bit of nervousness!

There were two (2) recurring theme during my (re)search:

  1. “Just start. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just start.”
  2. “Get a self-hosted website.”

So I did!

I set a “just start” date for myself. Again I called up my friend which was now my self-appointed accountability partner AND creative marketing consultant. By the time I could disclose my date, I heard, “When is the Launch Party”.

Not only did she catch the vision, she ran down the road and around the corner. My dears, Rona V. was dumbfounded by her response. Here I was thinking I would do this blog thing on the DL and she is talking about a party! I said, “You must be mad,” and got off the phone before she had anymore bright ideas.

40-Forwarders that “Launch Party” seed was sown and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. If I did, what would it look like and who would I invite? I thought long and hard about it, mustered up the courage and called her back and gave her the good news. My dears, she did it again … She went down the road, and around the corner and these were the words out of her mouth, “When can I expect my SAVE THE DATE!”

This was it. The train started down the track and picked up speed. No turning back now.

Mark your milestones

The rest as they say is history!

On this the 22nd Day of January 2021, we raise a Hallelujah for our 40th Blog Post!

Thank you Lord, your idea has borne fruit! I don’t doubt for a minute that this was a heavenly download! And what a download it has been and will continue to be.

I am humbled and honoured that God has entrusted such a vision into my hands. Throughout the process, I have enquired of the Lord, listened for an answer, and then tried my very best to write what I hear. The formula is working!

There is so much to learn but I’m equal to the task. Besides, God’s got this!

A very special thanks to my 13 strong unofficial board members! The board includes mainly 40-Forwarders with one or two youngins sprinkled in. For every single post, one or all of them have read, commented and shared. They are my #It’s Possible Crew! REAL support! I appreciate each and every one of you!

It is official … We moved from launch to legacy!

This post is written as a memorial not just for myself, but for you and all who will come behind us. #It’s Possible. Trust God!

We are 40 & Counting! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

Document the journey

What are some of the special milestones in your life? Have you marked them down? Every juncture gives us an opportunity to celebrate CONSISTENCY!

Go ahead and drop some of your “I remember when” (milestones) in the Comment and do SHARE. πŸ™‚


8 thoughts on “It Is Important To Celebrate – 40 And Counting”

  1. Tresha-Gay Roper

    Congratulations Rona V! 40 posts later I am still on the edge of my seat wondering..what is coming next?.
    I remember when… I sent up an SOS to the Lord!..Send help! Man did He deliver!…In one person he sent a sister, a friend, a coach…a proper running mate….the list goes on.

    We agreed on that first project..that #It’s Possible! It “came to pass” and we have continued to see the hand of the Lord do EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, above what we could ASK or IMAGINE…forward we will go!

    1. Tresha-Gay, you have made me speechless! We will continue to run TOGETHER and the race will be easier and better. Glad you are in the pack! πŸ™‚

  2. Congrats Rona V! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ 40 n counting πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I should let you- your posts are refreshing and soothing…..thank you for sharing…..πŸ˜‰ looking forward……

  3. Veronica campbell

    Congratulations RonaV i cant believed you reach your 40 in counting πŸ€—πŸ˜˜thanking you for shareing.

  4. Congratulations RonaV. 🎊🎊🎊.. 40 n counting..hmmmm .. Good read! I wonder what is coming next ✊

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