Let Us Give Thanks To The Lord


It has been a busy week, but I really wanted to take the time to do this one, just for Christmas Day.

It’s gift unwrapping day! Today, let us unwrap the gift of THANK YOU to our Lord God. Today we turn our eyes and hearts towards Him!

40-Forwarders, I encourage you to take some one-on-one time amidst the Christmas noise and busyness to tell the Lord THANKS.

One of the tenets throughout the book of Psalms is THANK YOU. David writes in Psalm 92:1, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High.” And throughout the Psalms we see these words, “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.”

Let us follow David’s example and make telling the Lord THANK YOU, a way of life!


Let not our every conversation with Him sound like a siren – we want, we want, we want. Instead, allow THANK YOU to roll easily off of your lips and ask for nothing whatsoever!

Rona V., where will this THANK YOU come from? There is just so much you can thank God for and no more?

Give THANKS with a grateful heart.

My dear 40-Forwarders, tap into your heart of gratitude for that sincere THANK YOU.

What are you truly grateful for this Christmas? What are you truly grateful for period?

The first verse of one of my favourite songs goes like this …


I am grateful for the things that you have done. Yes, I’m grateful for the victories we’ve won. I could go, on and on and on about your works. Because I’m grateful, grateful, so grateful  just to praise you Lord. Flowing from my heart, Are the issues of my heart. It’s gratefulness.

Hezekiah Walker

Do you perhaps have persons in your life that the only time you hear from them is when they need something from you? (Sigh)

Or, you keep doing and persons don’t have the decency to acknowledge your efforts or worse yet even say thank you? (Double sigh)

No one wants to walk down either of these roads. How would you feel? God feels the same way!

40-Forwarders, I want to issue a challenge starting today and for the remaining days of 2020, to pray prayers of Thanksgiving. No petitioning (asking) God for anything, simply say thanks.

Now Rona V. that’s a little much! Here again I encourage you to tap into that wellspring of gratitude. Get pen and paper, allow gratefulness to flow from your heart and onto the pages.

If you get stuck, just borrow a verse from this other well-known song … “Roll back the curtains of memories now and then. Show me where you have brought me from and where I could have been. Remember, I am human, and humans forget. So remind me, remind me dear Lord.”

Go again. Write those memories down.

Between the two (2) instructions, you will have more than enough prayer points to successfully complete the challenge.

As you pen these memories, you will see how the Lord carried you through those near misses, those pain-points, the joy’s, the victories, the lessons learnt.

Your memories are important monuments (Joshua 4:4-7) for those around you, those doing life with you, and for those coming behind you. (Selah)


Just in case you are still falling short of THANK YOU prayer points, here are some that should be a staple/standard …

Give the Lord THANKs for

  • His care and compassion
  • His mercies that are new every morning
  • His goodness and mercy that follow you all the days of your life
  • The many blessings He loads us up with daily
  • The angels He has given charge over you and your loved ones
  • His unsearchable love that knows no end
  • Sending His only begotten Son to redeem us through His death
  • Going to the Cross for our sins
  • Giving us access to the Holy of Holies where we can now come into His presence
  • The lively and eternal hope that we now have
  • Going, so that the Holy Ghost (our Comforter) could come
  • Ever making intercessions for us
  • Being your strong defense, shield and buckler
  • His ever presence
  • Being Abba Father
  • Unconditional love
  • Bottling your tears
  • Joy
  • Meaningful relationships
  • The trial of your faith

Though it may look (and feel) different, we can all relate to this

Yes my dears, it is because of Him, we made it through! It is He who has kept us!  (2 Corinthians 4:7-10) So make those THANK YOUs to God really personal and specific!

40-Forwarders, this is yet another powerful, life changing legacy that really matters and therefore must be part of our B.L.E.S.S. Plan – giving THANKS to the Lord.

Let us be deliberate about teaching (and demonstrating) to our youngins that every prayer is not a Wish List. There is a time to quiet our hearts before the Lord, rest and enjoy His presence. Let them know that by doing these simple yet profound acts, they are saying THANK YOU!

Let’s give THANKS to the Lord for his mercy endures forever.

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1 thought on “Let Us Give Thanks To The Lord”

  1. So beautifully written.
    Truer words could not have been said.
    Thank you Lord for a safe place to live and worship.

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