Our Life Encounters And Influences


We are a sum total of all our different life encounters. (Selah)


40-Forwarders, take a minute to really reflect on this. We can see that these encounters have literally added to us (addition and multiplication) and some things were removed (subtraction and division). These encounters (good or bad) help to, and may I dear say, are still helping to fashion and form us into the image God has called us to be.

Today I honour my “other” mother. There are some persons that are in your life for but a moment. Then there are those that are there for a season. And then there are those that are with you for a lifetime. My Prayer Mom (and yes, I call her mom) falls in the last category.

In the 1990s, I met my Prayer Mom, of all places, at work. On heard of, right? She was My Prayer Mother before I even knew what a Prayer Mother was! The funny thing is, we didn’t even work in the same department, but God, in His wisdom, orchestrated the encounter.

  • So when the Word talks about wisdom in the multitude of counsellors, she is my chief earthly Counsel!
  • If the Lord has a specific message for me, she is my post mistress.
  • When God tells her something “jaw dropping” or “out of the box” we have “musing” sessions.
  • When I’m bothered about a matter I simply dial her number and I am guaranteed scripture reference and a life experience that causes me to know that things will get better.

Over the years, I have never heard her raise her voice. You know those signs that read “Keep Calm …” That’s her. She is my “cool and deadly” Prayer Mom. Don’t play with her, she has a direct heaven responding prayer line (you figure it out).

Talk to God about your life encounters

Di woman can pray! Nothing long. But talk about effective! Prayer is her “go to” – first, second and third option. No joke. Every matter is solved in prayer!

She was the first person I ever met that God acts as her financial broker. The stories she can tell about how God traded on her behalf and gave her specific financial strategies. Amazing stuff. This my dears, is a testament of relationship and intimacy.

Life (experiences) has given her the resolve and fortitude to live for Christ. I remembered listening to one of the late Dr. Myles Munroe’s teaching and he said, in essence, that at that particular stage of his life that noone or nothing could pull him away from the God in whom he believes. This is my Prayer Mother. Her Christian walk, her love affair, her trust in God doesn’t waiver (& she has been to hell and back).

Here is a good piece of advice she has given that I want to share with you 40-Forwarders, “check your altitude”. If you are getting hot and bothered about a situation, you are too close to it and therefore you are operating in the flesh. Start viewing from a heavenly (spiritual) perspective. There is usually less turbulence in that realm. Every now and again I can be a tinsy hot headed. This for Mom is, turbulence in my Christian flight. Remember, she is Ms. Cool & Deadly.

So, every time the plane dips I hear her in my head, “Daughter, check your altitude.” For the most part I remain steady.

Most of what I described about Mom has rubbed off on me:

40-Forwaders, our story is demonstration of “Sway” from the B.L.E.S.S. plan.

Oh, silly me, I forgot to mention that back when we first met I was NOT a Christian? Talk about influencing someone to make a RIGHTeous decision. And she did this with just her lifestyle, nothing else. She never once “preached” to me, she simply LIVED the Word!

You know what, I enjoyed her company (still do). The only way I can explain it is, the atmosphere around her was different and she is hilarious (you would never tell by looking at her). She is a “stately lady”.

It’s hard to be a BLESSer if persons don’t want to be around you. Persons have to be in your space, and want to be in your space, in order for you to make an indelible impact (which is what we are about 40-Forwarders). Mom did that from day one!

40-Forwarders, do you see that swaying is a LEGACY move?! Our orchestrated encounter took place over 21 years ago! Now that’s LEGACY! Thanks Mom! πŸ™‚

This is our story. Now, examine your life encounters. Do you have a swayer/influencer that has left a lifelong mark in your life? Are you being a swayer/influencer in someone else’s life? Please share in the Comments.

This is just an introduction, there is definitely more to come about Mom.

Oh by the way, you know Mom as Shirley Joy. πŸ˜‰

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2 thoughts on “Our Life Encounters And Influences”

  1. Lanuna Davis-Sankey

    RonaV, you are absolutely an influencer through your actions and words. Many moons ago you planted a seed in my life by sharing your testimony of how awesome our Jesus is! Today, i can say that, the seed took roots and bearing much fruit. Thanks to your Prayer mom for passing on such great legacy to an awesome disciple of Jesus!!! Be blessed and keep moving forward my sistaπŸ™πŸΎπŸ’•

    1. Lanuna, you bring tears to my eyes and I am sure Mom is patting her eyes too. Pass it on my dear! Pass it on!

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