Living Your Life By The Truth, And Nothing But

When you get on an airplane one of the first things they do is go over the safety instructions. In these instructions they tell you that in the event of turbulence you should ensure your seatbelts are fastened and should the breathing apparatus (masks) be deployed, you should affix yours first then assist those around you. Well, here goes …

If you have had conversations with me it is guaranteed that the words “Talk Truth” will come out. At the age of 40, I had a “Talk Truth” conversation with myself. Yup, you read correctly, with myself. It was rough, but it was needed and it was well overdue.

In my professional life “root cause” is my business and to get to what really triggered a problem one must, you guessed it, “Talk Truth”. This is no time for kumbaya and coverup. If you want to fix a problem and prevent its recurrence you must “Talk Truth”.

It was a ouch and repent moment for me. The truth … I lack self discipline. Say what?! No way, not Rona V. On the job and in ministry no one would believe this to be true about me. But, root cause is my passion and I believe in “Talking Truth” so I brought it home. This truth set me free.

Living by the truth of the Word

During the introspection a particular verse floored me. One would think it was the first I had read or heard or quoted this scripture. Talk about a wakeup call. I ruminated and meditated (as a matter of fact, I still am) on this Word. I tried coming up with “reasons” why I am not walking out this Word.

3 John 1:2 says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

In the final analysis, I read the Truth, assessed myself on the Truth, I came to the Truth, then I “Talk Truth”.

None of the above was happening and so I asked “Why”. The root cause? Self-Discipline. Discipline requires action, but not just any action, it requires consistency. I know what to do, but either I did not do, or if I did do, I did it inconsistently.

Discipline requires honesty, a mindset change, a willingness to be coached, focus, grit, order, structure, intentional pursuit, control and training. It therefore goes without saying that if you are part of the B.L.E.S.S. (Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway.) clan, discipline is an explicit requirement.

The next step in root cause analysis is taking corrective actions (CAs) that addresses the identified root cause(s). These steps include immediate actions and future actions (short, medium and long-term) to prevent recurrence.

Truth - working on developing discipline

Numbers 1 and 2 are hinged on 3 … “even as”. My first order of business (correction) therefore was a spiritual checkup with an honest look up.

I had to apologize to God for having somehow relegated Him to “second fiddle” “second option” “secondary” in my life. That’s the Truth!

And the result of lack of self-discipline? I had become stagnant, I was not growing.

Some repentance, realignment and return had to take place. I had to return to my first love and I had to get my fire back. Did I mention that it was during my “Talk Truth” assessment period that my pastor was preaching and teaching on the Spirit walking between the candlesticks – the seven churches in Asia Minor (in Revelations 2-3) – making His assessment of them. Talk about timing.

The easiest person to lie to is self.

Do you need to “Talk Truth” to yourself? Your story may be different, but this much is sure, you will be set free and you will start walking in the B.L.E.S.S. plan.

Now I am on a mission (and I am taking you along with me). Keep coming back my dear 40-Forwarders to know more about my corrective actions (CAs) in these 3 areas of my life – Finances, Health, Spiritual Life. And of course, stories of other 40-Forwarders who are on this B.L.E.S.S. journey with us will also be shared. Whatever (& whenever) we learn, you learn! 😉

Consistency is the cornerstone of quality (who I am). And, I was not being true to who I am. My friend Tam Reid over at @quotes.favourcarrier hit the nail on the head …“CONSISTENCY that’s all! Whatever you’re consistent at, you will be successful at!”

I will be intentional about BLESSing myself in these areas (putting my mask on first), then doing the same for others! Come join in!

Scripture - Walk in truth

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