We Are Moving Into A New Year


40-Forwarders, I think we ended 2020 right – Giving God Thanks! The intent was to post last weekend but on further examination, our THANK YOUs to each other and to God was the perfect period to an otherwise not all together perfect year.

I want to say a special thanks to YOU for getting (and staying) on this blogging journey with me! My dear 40-Forwarders (and youngins) I appreciate you taking the time to read, to share and comment (both on the page and your numerous side notes). This gives me the courage and excitement for the 2021 leg of our journey! THANKS for BLESSing me!

As we chart our 2021 course, the teacher in me, will do a 2020 recap. This is not about “set it and forget it,” it’s all about “ruminating and run with it!” With that said …

Since October we have been putting down stakes in the ground to establish our homestead among the Blog Rush. πŸ˜‰

So who are we and what are we about?

We are a group of persons (clan) that are 40 years and older that are focused on carrying out the B.L.E.S.S. plan – Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway.


In the execution of our Plan not only are we BLESSing those in the clan, but even more importantly, we are BLESSing our youngins. We, through our daily demonstrations, are raising up a generation of BLESSers. They in turn will pass it on to those coming behind them, and the perpetual cycle continues.

A moment for a quality plug … Understanding who the interested parties (stakeholders) in your business are, is one of the first things that must be determined when establishing a quality management system. This could be an endless list. It is for this reason, that the business is required to determine, who on the list is relevant to the business’ success (to the achievement of the business’ goals and targets).

The under-current of this Blog is, we are focused on what really matters. Life comes with many appendages and happenings, but what is relevant to your GOOD SUCCESS?! What are those things that make significant contributions to us meeting our goals and targets for our B.L.E.S.S. plan?

Not determining relevance opens the door to distractions, disappointments, dashed dreams, and destiny deaths. (Selah)


So what are some of these areas of relevance we looked at in 2020?

Blog Categories

Under each category we have delved into

B.L.E.S.S. Nugget

  • Making THANK YOU to others a way of life
  • Integrity
  • Keeping our (culinary) traditions alive
  • 5 Fs of passion – fascination, fixation, fire, fervour, fun
  • Celebrating our parents
  • Accountability
  • Our souls prosper as our relationship with Christ Jesus deepens
  • Keeping our dreams alive even as we get older
  • Pouring into others’ lives (watering)
  • Marriage and your ministry are important
  • We have got to learn to listen
  • Supporting each other – personally and in business
  • Living that single over 40 life is not easy but it is definitely doable
  • Be a BLESSing

Talk Truth. Speaking truth to ourselves; keeping it real


  • Budget cuts are important and necessary
  • Working our sinking funds to stay out of debt
  • We get financial advice from unexpected places
  • We must face our financial truths

We are working on being good money managers. We are becoming debt free and heading towards a positive net worth. To help us get there, you were introduced to two good resources (in my opinion) – The Budget Mom (TBM) and Dr. Lynn Richardson.


  • Mental health
  • Health checks for over 40
  • Healthy everyday


  • Giving thanks to our Lord God
  • Pray for each other
  • The Importance of the 4th Quarter and our star player – Jesus – coming on the field of play in the 4th Quarter
  • Adjusting our perspectives
  • Getting in the habit of praying for each other
  • Jesus loves us even with ghe ugliness in us
  • Temperance (Self Control)
  • We must keep at the forefront of our mind, God’s sacrifice
  • How to live a life filled with joy
  • Pursue God on purpose
  • Resting in God’s unfailing love

When you look at the list 40-Forwarders, you see just how far we have come in such a short space of time. Let’s keep the momentum going in 2021!

In 2021, we are really going to unpack the B.LE.S.S. plan.

Teach those youngins.

Don’t forget 40-Forwarders, we must be deliberate about teaching those coming behind us (youngins). We need to do our part in:

  • Leaving them lasting legacies
  • Influencing their thoughts and behaviours

We will remain laser focused on developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

So my dears, once again HAPPY NEW YEAR! This happiness that I am wishing you, is not about a momentary spark of excitement, but it is about that unquenchable joy and determination coming out of your belly that causes you to keep on going no matter what!

Let the 2021 journey begin! πŸ™‚

Be sure to tell someone about this blog community. Let’s get other likeminded 40-Forwarders buying into the B.L.E.S.S. plan.


11 thoughts on “We Are Moving Into A New Year”

    1. Happy New Year to you too Ava! Appreciate your heartfelt comment. Thanks for being part of the journey.

  1. Veronica campbell

    Happy new year miss Campbell Thank for shareing your vision that the Lord has given you. Continue doing your best.

  2. Happy New Year!!! Looking forward to this bless and excited journey ahead, 2021 we are ready!!! Ephesians 6…Thank you RonaV this has truly blessed meπŸ’•

  3. Tresha-Gay Roper

    Happy New Year Rona V. Excited about 2021 and what the Lord will do through this ministry!

  4. Marcia Cargill-Curtis

    Hi RonaV,
    Very insightful and a lot of food for thought. Love the BLESS concept as I believe we are bless to be a blessing.
    Looking forward to 2021 blessings as we journeyed on the path God has set out for us.

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