What Are Some Of The Health Checks For Over 40?


40-Forwarders, let’s pickup (and continue) last week’s Healthy Everyday conversation. It surrounded mainly our physical health. We know that it is important to know (not to think we know) our health status. I never thought that I would live to see the day, I would be encouraging people to go to the doctor. Mums will tell you, I am terrible when it comes to this. It must be really bad, or it’s a “hiring requirement”, for me to go get a medical check done. Of course, you know Mums is the complete opposite – she is on target with her annual check-ups. My dad (Paps), he is like me, or should I say, I got this from him. 😉

As we get older our bodily functions begin to decline and this can open us up to different “complaints” and diseases such as becoming predisposed to obesity or contracting non-communicable diseases which include things like diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure). Therefore, health checks/screenings become more and more important. This is particularly true if a healthy lifestyle was really not a high priority in our younger years (wink, wink).

Last week I shared about the low blood count (haemoglobin) challenge that I discovered many years back that I really have not tackled in the right way to have it normalized. But, I am now focused and am in corrective action mode (“quality” speak again).

So what are some of these things that we ought to be checking for on a consistent basis when we get to 40+ and why? Now that I am on board, I did what everybody does, I Googled it (and WhatsApped a friend of course). So here is a rundown of what I unearthed.

The first thing I found was, “Even if you are healthy, go have your health tests/screenings done.” Healthy doesn’t give you an automatic “pass”. Go confirm what you believe is true, “I’m over 40 and I’m hawty” (ask a Jamaican you know to translate).

The second thing I found out is that not all medical professionals agree with the checks/screenings that should be done and when. It is therefore important that we check with our personal physicians to determine what our best course of action is.

The third general thing that we must bear in mind is, these checks/screenings are not only to catch any current ailments you may have, but to also spot potential problems. We get the opportunity to put controls in place to either eliminate or reduce adverse effects of identified health risks (see how I just slid in the “quality” speak on you).

Give me a minute here to plug why “QUALITY is who I am” … This discipline (and it is a discipline, no bones about that) and it’s associated principles can be applied not only in business but also in our day-to-day lives. So, get use to it, the “quality” speak will be sprinkled throughout these blogs.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming …

Men, we will start with you as to some of the health checks/screening that you should do if you are over 40.

  • Prostate cancer screening – if you are between 55 to 69, check with your physician if you should have this screening done, especially if you are in the high risk group – eg., family history (brother or father being diagnosed).

Now ladies, it’s our turn.

  • Mammogram (breast cancer screening) – the higher our risk level, the more frequent the test however every 1-2 years is generally recommended.
  • Cervical cancer screening – 3 or 5 years depending on the type of test done (Pap or HPV). The good news is, we could cease doing these tests at age 65 (conditions apply).

There are some things that, no matter our gender, male or female, we are encouraged to do.

  • Blood pressure checks – not too high and not too low, keep it steady. If it is even keeled then once every 2 years is recommended. If you have underlying conditions, then an annual check is in order.
  • Oral hygiene is often times overlooked, but it is recommended that we go see our dentists once or twice a year for cleaning and examination.
  • Colorectal cancer screening is recommended when we hit 50 years. Speak to your physician to determine frequency of screening.
  • Eye degeneration tends to come with age – have them checked.
  • Osteoporosis – A bone density test may be necessary. Ladies, with the loss of estrogen in those menopause years, you may be susceptible to osteoporosis so by the time you get to 65 years (or younger), ask your doctor if this screening is needed.
  • Keep a check on our weight.

I have said a mouth full, but again, just scratched the surface (food for thought and action). Do your research and speak with your physician.

This – regular health checks/screenings – is a very good practice for us to leave for those who are coming behind us.

I want to be around for a while to fulfil my assigned destiny. How about you? Knowing our health status is an important part of this. Let us (40-Forwarders) resolve to ensure we have our health checks/screenings done. Get an accountability partner if necessary to keep you honest- I should say, “keep us honest”. (Talk Truth)

40-Forwarders, health checks/screenings should be part of our Healthy Everyday. Let us know in the comments if this is your modus operandi. Have you “discovered” (spot potential problems) through a check/screening and was able to nip it in the bud before it surfaced? Drop it in the comments.

Share this post with others in the B.L.E.S.S. clan as we “Be in good health” together.
