What Does It Mean – The Cross



In this Easter season, let us reflect on the Cross and what it means to us as Believers.

At the Cross, At the Cross

In Romans 5:8 Paul writes

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


At the Cross:

1. God loved us so much that He sacrificed His only son. Christ became sin for us so that we could become the righteousness of God.

2. In Him, we are complete. It is in Him, we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28).

3. We see God’s demonstrated love. This love is sometimes overlooked. Let us not lose sight of this love. He is has us wrapped in His love.

4. We have been given a new life in Christ.

5. Jesus’ mind was set on doing the Father’s will.  In Luke 22:42 He spoke these words, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” He withstood the beating, the abuse because He was focused on doing the Father’s will to redeem us.

Remember the Cross

We are called to, in this Easter season, look at how much we love God. We are called to:

  • Spend more time with Him. Let us recommit ourselves to Him.
  • Make Him the priority in our lives. He has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5) The onus is therefore on us to re-prioritise the time we spend with Him.
  • Make reading His word a priority. He has called us to renew our mind. He tells us in His word that we have the mind of Christ.

When we do the above, we can indeed press into a relationship with Him. We will experience more of His love for us as we learn to love Him more.

I wrote this poem many years ago while going through a very challenging experience. Through much prayer, I started to realise the extent of God’s love for me and that He had not abandoned me but instead He was standing with me.


Me on His mind as He received Judas’ kiss

Me on His mind as alone the soldiers took him with their whips

Me on His mind as submissive, He stood in Pilate’s hall

Me on His mind as He heard the jeerers and crowd’s cat call

Me on His mind as rejected, He watched Barabbas freed

Me on His mind as beaten, He was led up Calvary’s hill

Me on His mind as the thorns pierced His skull

Me on His mind as His flesh was ripped apart

Me on His mind as the jeering crescendo rose to His ears

Me on his mind as He taught forgiveness from the cross

Me on His mind as His father looked away

Me on His mind as He ripped the veil in two

Me on His mind as He stormed the gates of hell

Me on His mind as He controlled the keys

Me on His mind as He triumphed over the tomb

Me on His mind as He sent the Holy Ghost

Me on His mind as He intercedes as priest

Me on His mind as He calls my name from heaven

Me on His mind as He takes my spirit home

Me on His mind as I stand before His throne


It is easy for us to become distracted, and to be honest, we have become distracted, but let us re-focus on Him as He focused on us as He went to the Cross.


1 thought on “What Does It Mean – The Cross”

  1. Thank you Jesus for remembering me.. You have died on the cross so we can be forgiven of our sins.
    Thanks Rona.. 🙏🙏

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