Accountability Partners

What Does It Mean To Be Accountable?


The extent/level of my success, your success, our success is hinged to accountability.  The simple definition of accountability is “say what you are about and be about it, and you are held responsible for making sure you accomplish what you are about.” In the process you have to answer to someone about your progress (or lack thereof).

Accountability requires agreement

I’m sure you have heard the term “accountability partner”. This can be one or more persons that you have agreed to check in with, or they will check in with you, to ensure you remain on target with what you are about. This arrangement can range from a verbal agreement to a handshake to a written contract.

Whichever form it takes, I believe honour and trust are at the heart of accountability. Why do say that Rona V.? Your word should be your bond. And we must honour what we say – do what we say we are going to do. People must be able to hold us at our word. This is where trust comes in. If we don’t do (honour) then there will be no trust.

40-Forwarders, our mouth and our actions must align.

Let me throw another curve ball at you … in the absence of accountability it’s a “free for all” – in Jamaica we would say “leguh” – there is no structure on which trust can be built. (Catch your breath, I know this is weighty stuff). Let it soak in for a minute.

Let’s continue … in a “leguh” environment one cannot realise true (real) success. A lid is placed on how far you can get with what you are about. Waste is the order of the day and chaos and disorder will ensue. (Catch your breath again)

40-Forwarders, it is important that we understand the weight (critical role) of accountability. We have to therefore establish and maintain accountability in our lives if we want to influence and have an impact.

Being held responsible is a great honour AND burden. It is an honour because somebody trusts you (trusts in you) to get the job done. You have to then prove that they have put trust in the right person by “making it happen”. (No pressure)

The success or failure of a thing is in your hand. (Again, no pressure)

Before I ease the pressure …

An honourable person is consistent, and consistency builds trust. (Selah)

40-Forwarders, by now we are in full agreement that CONSISTENCY is a hallmark of any member of the B.L.E.S.S. clan.

When your trust coefficient is lacking, you need someone to keep you honest. This person is there to help you to improve. An easy illustration is an addict needing a sponsor. But you know what is important here my fellow 40-Forwarders, you (we) must first acknowledge that we need help; you (we) must want to be helped.

So why accountability partners?

Why we need accountability partners

Are these not traits of BLESSers? We are all therefore official-unofficial accountability partners.

True story …

I was at work preparing a cup of well needed coffee. A colleague of mine, a fellow 40-Forward BLESSer saw me pouring sugar in my cup, I only heard, “That’s too much.” You know I had a ready answer, “It’s not much, and the cup is big.” This was her counter jab, “Remember the plan.” My mouth said (in this very blog that this individual reads) that I intend to prosper in my health and this “sugar pouring” does not align with my mouth. Case closed Rona V. Now that’s an (unofficial) accountability partner – we never came into any formal agreement, but she is aware of what I’m about and she wants to make sure I get there – so she “checked” me! Thanks Ms. B! 😉

See what I mean 40-Forwarders?! Our accountability partners are there to help us maintain order so we can SUCCEED, so we can WIN!

Do you have someone that you are accountable to? Or are you perhaps the person some else is accountable to? Whatever the case, I declare GOOD SUCCESS!

If you know someone who could benefit from or appreciate this post, please SHARE.


5 thoughts on “What Does It Mean To Be Accountable?”

  1. It’s now 6:3 am and as i read along these words bless my heart God bless you woman of God .keep up the good work you are doing!

  2. Pingback: What Does Integrity Look Like? – Simply Rona V.

  3. Pingback: How Important is THANK YOU? – Simply Rona V.

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