Why Stay in the FIGHT?


Choosing not to quit!

On March 8th the world celebrated International Women’s Day! The celebrations continue and I raise a special toast to all my 40-Forward ladies! You all are BLESSED! You are blessed going out. You are blessed coming in. You are blessed in the city. You are blessed in the fields. Whatever your hands touch is BLESSED!

Throughout the day many a “Happy International Women’s Day” were sent out. Some made you laugh. Some had us in awe. Some caused us to square our shoulders. And then there were those that caused us to reflect and inspect.

Of all the ones that crossed my Inbox, this stuck with me.

NOTHING is more beautiful than a WOMAN who is brave, strong and emboldened because of WHO CHRIST IS IN HER.


Are there any women that you can think of that this is a fitting description?

You are either centrestage or perhaps on the sideline watching her strut her stuff and you go, “WOW, there goes a Woman of Worth!”

We see her “juggling” – balancing and fielding all that life is throwing her way.

You look on in amazement and wonder, “How?”

These women simply don’t know how to quit. No matter what, they “keep on going”. In pain, they “keep on going”. Through heartache, they “keep on going”. They can hardly see through the tears at times, but, they “keep on going”.

Erase quitting from your DNA. Stay in the FIGHT.

My fellow 40-Forward Jamaicans do you remember these lyrics, “Yuh pick im up, yuh lik im dung, im bounce right back. What a hawd man fi dead?” (Translated: No matter what you do, they will not break.)

They give a new meaning to dogged – dead set, immovable, persevering, resolved, tenacious!

Truth is, women of this nature are usually not just concerned about their challenges, but they oftentimes help others like themselves to “juggle” and stay in the FIGHT! Amazing!

They have a “selfless” tendency. They are being tossed to and fro, but their concern is for others. Give of their very last to others and doing without AND thinking of others before themselves is second nature.

“How do they do it?!”

“What keeps them going?!”

CHRIST in her.

Today my dear 40-Forwarders, I want to introduce you to one such woman, a youngin in our clan. I stand on the sidelines (and at times centrestage) and watch in awe and wonderment how she keeps walking brave, strong and emboldened – meet Vanessa Morgan “Ms. Vannie”.

June 2019 will be forever etched in Ms. Vannie’s mind and heart. She got the devastating news that her rambunctious first born has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. No parent can imagine such a news. My heart bled when she described the moment. She said, “I crumbled”.

Anyone who knows Ms. Vannie would not associate this word with her. But she knew from whence cometh her help, and so she dug deep and held on to her anchor – Christ Jesus. With the anchor secured, she got up to face the storm!

Ms. Vannie has FIGHT (fortitude-intensity-guts-heart-toughness), and in that moment, her FIGHTer instincts chipped in!

Everybody knows when to call Ms. Vannie:

  • You need anything organised
  • Need to rally the troops
  • Out of the box ideas are needed
  • 100+ percent-give is needed
  • Fundraising
  • Results are what you need
  • Leader of the pack

In this fight of a lifetime, all these great attributes (and then some) are coming out of her. When I tell you kicked into high gear, this is an understatement. My dear 40-Forwarders, she is in it to WIN and she is giving it all she gots! (No, it is not a typo.)

Are there days she feels like throwing in the towel? Are there days she cries herself to sleep? Are there days she feels she cannot take another step? Are there days she is afraid? Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes! BUT, the fuel of Christ, causes her to remain steadfast and FIGHT!

There are those days that you can see the weight and wear on her, but she “keeps on going”. She doesn’t know (or understand) the words GIVE UP! Quitting is simply not part of her DNA. I tell you, this woman is built to FIGHT!

Ms. Vannie, your tenacity, grit and care in this season is ministering to many (women and men, young and old). Your get up and go demonstrates trust, faith and dependence on God. We see your bravery, strength and boldness and we are encouraged to “keep on going”. Continue to wage war on giving up! You were beautiful before but ah now yuh pretty. 😉 Thank you for, in your struggle, being a BLESSer (Build. Legacy. Encourage. Support. Sway.)


FIGHTers sometimes don’t recognise that their fight helps others stay in the ring. Tell a FIGHTer you know just how much his/her fight means to you!

If you should ever ask her, “How do you do it,” her response, “God keeps keeping me.” Ms. Vannie remains tapped in (plugged in) to her Source. It is He who carries her!  

Her strength is evident regardless of the hat she wears – wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, colleague. She is simply WOMAN.

Is Ms. Vannie’s story unique? Perhaps not. But it is worth telling. Why? To help build others, leave a legacy, and encourage the FIGHT!

As we reflect on International Women’s Day 2021 (that was) – #Choosetochallenge – we recognize that though our faces and stories may differ, the challenges are real and on a daily basis women across the world are stepping up to these challenges. They are, in their own right, challenging the status quo and sharpening others in their sphere of influence.

Women like Ms. Vannie have FIGHT (fortitude-intensity-guts-heart-toughness)! They are brave, strong and emboldened because of who Christ is in them.

Let’s cheer them on, hold up their hands, pray for (and with) them!

We celebrate these women and we give God special thanks for His strength that continues to KEEP!

Stay in the FIGHT!

Which FIGHTer would you like to celebrate today? Drop her name (and why) in the Comments. Do SHARE this post!


9 thoughts on “Why Stay in the FIGHT?”

  1. Awesome reflection on the FIGHT – Fortitude-Intensity- Guts- Heart- Toughness – within us as Sisters. We are brave, strong and emboldened only because of the Christ within us. Therefore, we are equipped and empowered to create an impact and leave a legacy, like Miss Vannie…..with God, all things are possible Sisters!
    I honour and celebrate your ministry Sis Rona. There is a devotion in this piece.

    1. That is what we (BLESS Clan) are all about, celebrating the FIGHT and in the process creating an impact and leaving legacies!

  2. Veronica campbell

    Greatis thy faithfulness ! Lord you are worthy to be praise Hallielula. 🤗🤗

  3. Tresha-Gay Roper

    Staying in the fight Rona V. For those who will come after us and for those who stayed in the FIGHT so we could can stand tall today. Celebrating Ms. Ishia Scott who everyday FIGHTs against all odds for her family.

  4. “Greater is he that is in me than he that in the world”
    Never give up!! Hold strong to God’s words.
    Wonderful read Rona. Thank you.

  5. Women are a phenomenon, few will every understand.
    Sending loving light to Ms. Vannie and her family.
    If I share the names of the women I want to commend they wouldn’t like it, however I send loving light to them and all the beings doing this thing called life.

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