Yes, Our (Re)Search Is Necessary


A one-time look doth not a search make. A cursory glance it definitely ain’t.

Search is defined as to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something.

40-Forwarders, if we are serious about “keeping it moving” and having GOOD SUCCESS with our B.L.E.S.S. plan, effort is required. But not just any effort, CONSISTENT effort. A critical part of this effort is, time spent (re)searching.

That DREAM that you have decided to dust off and not allow to die may be on your Plan and guess what, it’s really big! It’s so big, it gives you heart palpitations. Fret not and be anxious for nothing. He whom you have committed your DREAM to, will bring it to pass. Set your eyes and ears on Him, and go research the possibilities.

Truth is, half the battle is knowing. No need to be shadow boxing! Do your research and get to know who and what you are up against.
Formulate your search

Careful examination is necessary as we “flesh out” our plans (goals). I am sure we have all heard the phrase “fools rush in”; my dears, we are not about that around here. We develop a working plan and then be deliberate about working our plan.

The reason to stay on your search

Let your WHY be your driving force. Put it in a visible place.  Picture it, Frame it or Phone it. Just keep your WHY front and centre. The others I get, but how can I “phone it” Rona V.? Make your WHY the screensaver or lock screen on your devices. Your WHY will keep you motivated.

START your search

What has Dr. Lynn taught us, “Learn what you don’t know.”

There may be some things on your B.L.E.S.S. Plan that are straightforward but then there are others that may need leg work.

Put those smart devices to good use. Let them work for their money (you know depending on the brand and model, you put down some good chunk of change). Type it in or speak to “The Assistant” whatever works for you, get to it.

True story …

One day I was getting hot and bothered about finding some information, Mums takes up her phone and says, “Google, how do I @!$@&” After my shock, I busted out laughing. Don’t play with my techy mama.

Use up available search engines – YouTube (videos), Bing, Google, Pinterest. The technology is of such now that you simply type what is in your head, and let the search begin.

You know Rona V. is going to drop an example …

Do you perhaps have a home improvement project as one of your goals? Hop on Pinterest and explore possible design ideas. Screenshot (or print) a few that catches your fancy. I hope you have a book, journal, planner, something specific (manual or digital) to capture the Plan and all its constituent parts (everything that goes into it).

Next, whether or not you decide to tackle it as a DIY project or contract it out, you must research the different costs attached to your dream project. Based on your research, start building out a simple budget.

Do you have savings put away for this project or do you need to save towards this project? Remember, we want to avoid unnecessary debt by cash flowing our projects – put those sinking funds to work.

If the decision is, contract the project out, then this triggers another search – contractor comparison.

See how your search is helping to create movement around this goal?

Get help with your search

HELP needed for your search

Do you perhaps have persons you may know who could provide answers or offer guidance in your search? How about this, do you know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone else that could help? Call, SMS, Inbox, knock on the door – that’s networking – get to it.

40-Forwarders, one of my go to, especially with understanding functions on my devices and how to navigate social media space is, can you guess?


Aunty Rona V. knows where to get help. Save some time, frustration and even money, and go ask a youngin.

Hidden DISCOVERIES in your search

You may surprise yourself in the search process. As you start to really look into the fine print of your WHAT and HOW you will make discoveries. Some will be eureka moments – absolute satisfaction about your find – while others, not so much.

Some of us may even discover patience that we never thought we had. 😉 You know why you discovered patience? Because of your WHY.

I tell you my dear 40-Forwarders, your WHY makes the difference.

Have FUN in your search

Who says we cannot have loads of fun as we delve in and dig deep!

By any chance is replacing or buying a new vehicle one of your goals? Yes, it is easy to just sit and search online for the “perfect one” BUT wouldn’t it be more fun to go test drive a few! It’s research my dears, all part of the research. 😉

Let me hit you with another fun search.

Is healthy eating one of your goals? Well, YouTube is your friend and healthy eating blogs are your close companions. Now that you have found a few recipes that “full yuh eye” and make you drool, the obvious next step is to host an evening cocktail reception with the family of course! Everybody gets dressed up, and enjoys an evening of your fine “healthy” hors d’oeuvre creations and drink a toast to your “new moves”. (Cheers)

I hope you are feeling the excitement! 🙂

Be TENACIOUS in your search

We have a saying in Jamaica, “If yuh want good, yuh nose affi run” (Translated: If you want success, you have to work real hard.) Make up in your mind that you will not be moved by any obstacles or opposition. Be resolved to get to your final destination. Set your face as flint and “keep on going”.

See every roadblock as The Air Traffic Controller giving you a destiny detour! (Selah)

Every “startup” and “entrepreneur” knows the pain of the money search. (Can I get an Amen) Slim to no pickings. Instead of becoming crippled, get creative. Rev up those online search engines and search for things like:

  • Grants for startups and small businesses
  • Ways to generate additional income
  • Side hustles
  • Free business planning tools
  • Free money for startups and small businesses
  • Small business loans
  • Low interest business loans

Don’t give up. Grit your teeth. Dig in your heels. And you know it … keep it moving.

DOCUMENT your search

Habakkuk 2:2 Whatever you discover, write it down – manual or electronic. 

40-Forwarders, I have said it once, said it twice, three times even, get in the habit of documenting your journey.

Those are your BLESS Nuggets on searching – start, help, discoveries, fun, tenacious, document. Go develop your plans and define your steps.

Give me a sec to wave a yellow (caution) flag on this play …

  • Don’t stall progress in the name of research
  • Don’t get caught up in paralysis analysis – having too much to process and not being able to make a decision and then you stall
  • There is such a thing as too much research, so reign it in

Remember my dears, we have to make our moves count (no waste). We therefore need to start carefully – build “(re)search” into your Plan.

The Plan may change along the way, but be sure to exercise due diligence and do the leg work (search) whenever there are “detours ahead.”

40-Forwarders, talk about a “late non-starter,” we cannot afford to give up in the search stage.

As sure as night turns to day, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:17-20). Take your big picture B.L.E.S.S. Plan and start fine-tuning the pixels with your search.

 Keep your WHY in front of you. And, say it with me …

Keep it moving!

You know this is a good SHARE, so go ahead and do so. 😉


4 thoughts on “Yes, Our (Re)Search Is Necessary”

  1. Pingback: It Is Important To Celebrate – 40 And Counting – Simply Rona V.

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